Friday, December 08, 2006

Cortisone Went Well

This is a quickie. Those none of you who read my post about my back might be interested to know that I got a cortisone shot to my spine, and I feel significantly better. It doesn't feel as good as new or anything like that, but it's so far from the debilitating condition of the last few years, that I'm actually feeling hopeful about starting some exercises to help my back get and stay healthy, maybe take up yoga again, which kept me pretty healthy in the mid-90s.

The prognosis is this:
  • The area from which my pain normally originates has become only a dull ache.
  • A relaxed standing posture, that is, one in which I let my torso settle naturally onto my pelvis, causes no pain. prior to the shot, this position aggravated the entire left lumbar region of my back; there is now only a slight feeling of pressure.
  • Standing with knees straight and feet together, I can bend forward to 90 degrees with only slight pain. For reference, my pain was so severe before the shot that I could not bend more than 15 degrees at the waist; getting further was not a question of fighting the pain; it was simply impossible.
In all, the overall feeling is all dull aches and no shooting pains. I'm still being very ginger about how I move, but I'm now very eager to ask the doctor about beginning a course of physical therapy to keep my back strong and healthy. When I return for my next shot on 20 December, I will do just that.

Happy days to all.

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