Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Men Who Have Touched my Penis

1. My father

I can only assume that, in the course of his patriarchal duties, he had at least one occasion to graze the peter. Did he derive any enjoyment from it or go out of his way to repeat the incident once it occurred the first time? We can only speculate. And since I can't remember him touching it even once, we're just speculating on speculation.

2. My cousin

Everyone goes through a pre-pubescent exploratory phase, and mine involved a male cousin and I imitating a number of sex acts - really, engaging in them. Though I don't recall any manual contact, I would be lying to say there wasn't some oral contact. No full intussusception that I recall, but lips definitely touched glans on more than one occasion. Frankly, I would have preferred to have gone through this phase with a freaky-deeky teenage girl, but what can you do?

3. My doctor

Everyone gets a physical now and then. No hanky-panky, Dr. Jellyfinger.

4. Rex

When I was 19, I hitch-hiked from Boulder to Seattle, and the first guy who picked me up, an overweight 40-something named "Rex", grabbed the cock. I almost puked. It was awesome. At least he had the sensitivity to compliment the size even if it was just pillow-talk; [thanks, Rex.] He was a good liar. I think the best quote of that trip was "as good-looking as you are, I'd sure like to jerk you off". I'm not good-looking, you lecherous old smooth-talker.

How many men have touched your penis?


  1. Hey, You shoulda been fair and put down how many men's penises did YOU TOUCH?

  2. @Anonymous...good point good point. My cousin's.
